Clear, convincing and overwhelming evidence against President Donald J. Trump for:

Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorism
Aiding and Abetting Unregistered Foreign Agent Melania Knavs
Articles of Impeachment

a collaborative research project


“Lethal Injustice” Documentary Series

Research into the infiltration of Nazi-style fascism into the Republican Party began in 2002 as a result of Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo’s violent attacks against Mexican student Jesús Apodaca and his family, his obsession with building a wall with Mexico paid for by the Mexican Government, a Muslim travel ban and a political playbook based on a recycled and repackaged genre of German-Italian fascism. His lifelong dream of establishing the Fourth Reich in America finally came true with the arrival of President Donald J. Trump, a fact recognized by Holocaust survivors, ultra-nationalists and Neo-Nazis worldwide.

This research project  also identified the pro-Russia conversion among prominent conservatives and evangelicals in America as a key element of Donald Trump’s penchant for Eastern European women. It eventually unmasked Trump’s first wife Ivana Zelníčková Trump and First Lady Melania Knavs Trump as honeytraps trained by Communist operatives to undermine the Trump Presidency and America’s democratic system. The Trump family in and of itself is a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act enacted by Congress in 1938 and needs to face charges for committing treason against the United States of America.


This investigative report is directed to the Honorable Amiena Khan, President of the National Association of Immigration Judges, and Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. It is also presented as evidence to The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the United States Secret Service (USSS), the United States Congress, the Supreme Court, the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations (UNCHR), the Organization of American States (OAS) and relevant organizations of the American intelligence community charged with protecting the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic.

About the Author

Juan B. Botero

Mr. Botero was born in Washington D.C. and grew up in Bogotá, Colombia.

After completing his studies at the Anglo-Colombian School he served in the S-2 Intelligence Division of the Colombian Army during the final years of the Cold War. His training in counterintelligence was pivotal in the identification of the operational characteristics of Eastern-European honeytraps in the Donald Trump orbit, including Czechoslovakian sexpionagent Ivana Zelníčková Trump and Melania Knavs Trump. According to multiple witnesses, Epstein boasted repeatedly that he had introduced Eastern-European supermodel Melania Knauss to his sex-addict soulmate Donald Trump. Epstein’s criminal blackmail or kompromat operation, partially funded by Russian President Vladimir Putin confirms Melania Trump’s status as a sexpionagent for Russia’s FSB, Slovenian intelligence and Israel’s Mossad. Mr. Botero has a Bachelor of Arts in Radio, Television and Film from Boston University and a Master of Arts in Broadcasting and Film from Regent University. He currently lives in California.


What is Lethal Injustice?

Lethal Injustice is an investigative journalism project focusing on two tracks of criminal conduct by President Donald Trump: aiding and abetting domestic terrorism and raising, aiding and abetting a family of unregistered foreign agents. The intelligence agencies involved in Operation Melania include the Russian FSB, Slovenian intelligence and Israel’s Mossad due to Trump’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, crucial evidence that Melania Knavs was trafficked to Donald Trump as a Russian-owned, Russian-operated honeytrap.

What does the project consist of?

It’s a collaborative research project that presents crucial evidence, witness testimony, historical analysis, forensic evidence and circumstantial evidence of aiding and abetting of domestic terrorism and treason, premeditated treason and misprision of treason by President Donald Trump. It presents news reports and statements by subject-matter-experts through these two perspectives. This website is a portal that facilitates efforts to denounce and prosecute egregious crimes against humanity on the US-Mexico border, and treason against the Constitution of the United States by his aiding and abetting a family of unregistered foreign agents of hostile nations.

Who is the project directed to?

This investigative report is directed to the Honorable Amiena Khan, President of the National Association of Immigration Judges, and Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. It is also presented as evidence to The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the United States Secret Service (USSS), the United States Congress, the Supreme Court, the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations (UNCHR), the Organization of American States (OAS) and relevant organizations of the American intelligence community charged with protecting the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic.

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“Lethal Injustice”

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